Formula for Deliverance: Prayer and Praise
Every man of Judah and Jerusalem returned with Jehoshaphat at their head, returning to Jerusalem with joy, for the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies. - 2 Chr 20:27
Have you ever faced a situation bigger than you, where you see trouble coming from afar and have no idea how to ward off the coming disaster? Jehoshaphat, king of Judah found himself in such a place. Just when he felt his troubles were ending, new troubles in the form of massive enemy armies arose on the horizon.
Jehoshaphat did what most people terrified for their lives would do. He prayed.
But he didn't just offer the "Help me now, God!" prayer and leave it at that. Jehoshaphat sincerely sought God's will and his hand in a spirit of humble submission to the almighty ruler of the universe. Open your Bibles to 2 Chronicles 20 with me. We see Jehoshaphat's sincerity through his actions.
- He proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah (2 Ch 20:3).
- He publicly praised and prayed to God for his nation (2 Ch 20:5-12)
- He demonstrated complete trust in God and commanded his people to do the same (2 Ch 20:20)
Once Jehoshaphat turned his eyes to God, the rest of the people followed him in prayer and praise to God (2 Ch 20:21) and God came through with a victory in a most dismal circumstance.
When they began singing and praising the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab & Mount Seir, who had come against Judah. (2 Ch 20:22)
The Israelites did nothing but look to God for help. And God came through for them in a mighty way. In what circumstance do you need the victory today? Relationships? Finances? Health issues? Turn to God and He will deliver you in his perfect time.
Dear Lord, forgive us when we take matters into our own hands, showing you that we lack faith in you. Help us to believe you can and will come through for us. Show us what to do and enable us to be obedient to your call. Amen.