The First Day...
...of a new chapter?
I sit here in my family room relaxing decompressing after three days of being out of town at a CLASS seminar - a three-day seminar to train both current and aspiring Christian speakers and writers. What an wealth of instruction and inspiration it was! I am definitely on overload. The circumstances that brought me to the seminar are certainly not coincidence, and I also wonder what the significance is that tomorrow is my 1 year anniversary of this blog "Bread Crumbs". Check out my first post here.
I can't believe it has been a year already. So many things have happened in this year. Thank you to everyone who has read along with me. Maybe one day God will see fit to have some of these writings published in a book. I can't wait to see what God will do in this next chapter of my life and "Bread Crumbs".
Tuesday night in my hotel room, God brought to my remembrance the following verse:
The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. (Isaiah 50:4 NKJV)
God has given me the tongue of the learned. Whatever I have, God has given me so that I can be an encouragement to others. What those future plans are in either speaking or writing He has for me, I'm trusting God to reveal them to me. How learned am I? I think I know just enough to be dangerous. I know more than I did last week and tomorrow I'll know more than I knew today.
So as I start this next year or next "chapter" tomorrow, I pray that Bread Crumbs will be a blessing and encouragement to all who stumble upon it. May you receive a word of encouragement and hope in your weary seasons of life!
In Him,