Hope Deferred
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12 NKJV
My friend's son is getting married this weekend. I've heard her talk about the day with excitement and anticipation as the weeks rolled by this summer. The big day is almost here and I can sense the joy in her spirit. Can you remember the last time a long awaited "dream" or desire finally came to fruition? How did you feel when you were waiting?
I don't like waiting, but as I get older, I'm getting better at it. Not only am I getting better at waiting in traffic or grocery store checkout lines, but I am getting better at waiting in the bigger areas of life. I'm learning how to not "make things happen" and am re-learning that the only things I do have control of are my own thoughts and actions. These learnings have helped me to hold my expectations loosely and better enjoy the moments in between expectation and reality.
Hope deferred, or delayed "dreams" don't have to make our hearts sick if we keep our minds' eye focused on what we have to do today and let God take care of the rest. Patience comes with knowing and trusting that God's desired outcomes are better than what we can imagine anyway. Patience comes when we surrender our will to God's. When we hold our desires loosely, we allow God to change the desires of our hearts. Our waiting will become less painful as we trust God's provision and direction for our lives. They still will bring life and joy when they come, but the waiting might just be a little easier.
For further thought:
1) Rate your "grip" on your own desires on a scale of 1-10 (10 being white-knuckled). How does your "grip" affect your patience in waiting? How does it affect what you do with what you hear from God?
2) What are you learning from God in your situation? Does God want you to take hold of a different desire?
Janna Rust is a Professional Coach and Speaker dedicated to encouraging others towards lives God intends for them. For more information, visit her at www.purposefulpartnerships.com.